Ökotárs Alapítvány -
Civil Társ Programiroda
1056 Bp. Szerb utca 17-19
Telefonszám: 411-3500
This website is supported by the European Commission's 'Europe for Citizens' program.
Ökotárs Alapítvány - Civil Partner Program Office
H-1056 Bp. Szerb street 17-19
+36 1 411-3500
Our partners
papirorszag.wordpress.com - protest blog about the anomalies of the funding systems
icnl.org – International Non-profit Law Center
www.nosza.hu/new/en - NOSZA ( Non Profit Sector Analysis) Association’s main goal is the improvement of the legal environment for the civil society.
nonprofit.hu - Information about non-profits - not for non-profits only
polgarz.hu – Federation for the Development of Community Participation
Useful links
http://www.nfu.hu/?lang=en - National Deelopment Agency - Page of funds