Ökotárs Alapítvány -
Civil Társ Programiroda
1056 Bp. Szerb utca 17-19
Telefonszám: 411-3500
This website is supported by the European Commission's 'Europe for Citizens' program.
In July 2010, László Szászfalvi, the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice which is also liable for civil affairs, appealed to NGOs via the Civil Information Portal. He indicated that the Government is preparing for the comprehensive revision and readjustment of the legal materials concerning NGOs – their advice and positions in connection with this process were sought for without any restrictions until August 31. The list of 27 laws enumerated in appendixes essentially included all the laws and regulations managing the civil sector.
By the deadline (in spite of the summer holidays) a number of nationwide umbrella organizations submitted their comments accumulated throughout the years of their experience. HEPF, which also coordinates the Civil Advocacy Roundtable of these NGOs collected a set of these proposals, on it website.